Race Update
What a difference a day makes. The picture at left of the race starting line was taken on Friday, 1/13/12, just after the fresh new 3-4″ snowfall. The trail is well covered. We snowshoed all the trails on Sunday, 1/15/12, and they are in great shape. More snow and colder weather is on its way so we will be in great shape for race day. Preregistration for the $5.00 discount ends on Wednesday, 1/18/12, so get those registrations forms in or register on line. There is still time to get those teams together.
If you need more reasons to register for the Phillips Flurry, check out the list of product donations on the Sponsors tab https://www.phillipsflurry.com/sponsors/. We have over (50) door prizes to be given away to race participants on race day. If you are registered, you are eligible to win a door prize. You must be present to win.
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