2017 Phillips Flurry registration
Registration for the 2017 Phillips Flurry is now open. Don’t forget to register on or before January 16th to save $5 and get a Phillips Flurry t-shirt!
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Registration now open!
Registration for the 2016 Phillips Flurry Snowshoe race is now open!
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2015 Race Results
The 2015 results have been posted here: https://www.phillipsflurry.com/past-races/2015-results/
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Course Update! Plenty of Snow!
As an update, the trails are looking to be in great condition for the race on Saturday! There is plenty of snow and they have been groomed for speed! And the weather forecast is calling for a beautiful day, so there is no excuse not to dust off your snowshoes and come join the fun!
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Enjoy WinterFest
The Phillips Flurry course is in great shape. Come for the Flurry, plan to stay the day and enjoy WinterFest.
- Check your Goodie Bags for gifts and discount offers from several Phillips area businesses
- PACC Raffle – $2000.00 all cash prizes. Tickets available at the race
- Check the ice fishing contest leader board. See if the $5000.00 tagged Walleye has been caught – Harbor View Pub & Eatery.
- Cor-Power Sports X-Country Snowmobile Race – Birch Island Resort on Wilson Lake
- Snowmobile Parade starting at 6:00 pm followed my fireworks over Lake Duroy
Complete WinterFest details available at Phillips Area Chamber of Commerce
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Preregistration Deadline
Just a friendly reminder that the pre-registration deadline for the Flurry is this Tuesday (January 13th)! Save yourself $5 and be guaranteed a t-shirt! Sign-up online, in person at The Crazy Loon, or by mail!
Extended weather forecast is showing race day temperatures in the 20’s.
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Registration is Open
Registration for the 2015 Phillips Flurry is now open: https://www.phillipsflurry.com/registration/
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Tomorrows Race/Weather Update!
The race will continue as scheduled for Saturday! However, the temperatures and wind chill are supposed to make for chilly conditions so please use wisdom by dressing warmly in layers and covering all exposed skin. Also, please bring a dry change of clothes to switch into after the race (we will have “heated” changing rooms).We have an extra-large tent with additional heaters this year to ensure you stay warm after the race. Hot food and drinks will also be served to heat you from the inside out. Afterwards, considering using your race bib to gain free admission to the Phillips Community Pool in town (from 1-4PM) to enjoy their hot-tub and other facilities.
Also, if you are doing the 10k race and expect to be on the course longer than 1.5 hours, you may want to consider switching to the 5k to limit your exposure to the elements. We will not enforce any time cut offs, but wish to offer that option for your safety.
Those seeking to qualify for the United States Snowshoe Association National race at the Flurry by completing the 10k race, can now also qualify in the 5k race. Due to the weather forecast, the USSSA will allow its members to qualify by doing either the 5k or 10k (your choice). If you wish to switch distances, you can do so on race day at registration. Both races will still be held as scheduled so pick your preferred distance and get your goals!

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Online Registration Now Open!
On-line and mail in registration is now open: https://www.phillipsflurry.com/registration/
Register by January 13th and save $5!
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2013 Race Photos
For even more photos head over to our Facebook page!
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